Today, I will share the most essential things to you, which are necessary for your entire online journey. If you are having these, then it’s OK.


Otherwise, just stop, and adopt all of these things and then proceed, otherwise you would not be in online journey with us.

Believe me, my dear friends, I am telling you from my own experience. There are only three things which you must have.

1.     Thrust for knowledge
2.     Persistence, Patience & winning attitude
3.     and of course a Paypal Account with Credit card

1. Thrust for knowledge: As you know, in 2005, I was not even known about computer. But, when I saw a little boy who was playing with computer, I become astonished and feel ashamed. So, I decided to purchase a computer. After installation of the some software at my system, the dealer asked me “What are you planning to do with your computer? What is your purpose for purchasing it”.

Then I just replied ONLY LEARNING!!"

He replied, “You must be joking with me”.

I know that, he can’t believe me.

My hunger about knowledge was too high, that’s why I am still surviving in this stream.

So, my dear friend, first thing, you should always ready to learn & understand any new things. Whenever any question arises in your mind, just write this question at Google & you will get your answer.

Whenever means whenever.

 For getting proper answers, be specific. Your question should be in a full sentence.
Suppose, you want to know about Paypal, then you should not write “Paypal”. You should write “what is the Paypal” or “what purpose does solves the Paypal”.or “How to create Paypal account”

Also, whatever you got (new things), just make a folder at your computer & post/save these new knowledge there so that, whenever you need it, you may get it immediately.

2. Persistence, Patience & winning attitude: I think every successful person has a common character and that is “winning attitude”. They never give up nor loose at any condition. I think, Abraham Lincoln is the best example. When you start this business, you will face many obstacles in your path, but don’t ever loose your patience. You will definitely overcome if you have a quality of persistence.

My dear friend, there is no lock in this world without a key. So, problem is like a lock & you have to search the key. So, don’t give up, there is always a solution, only you have to search up for it.

So, have patience and be positive, success will be yours.

I almost quitted two times in this business, but some inner feeling “I must do that again” forced me to be continued.

So never give up, ultimately you will win the battle.

3. Create Paypal account: As you know that, God is everywhere. Like whatever you want on net, Google is there J

Same thing you may feel about paypal, whatever the business on net, they will pay you through paypal. So, you must create paypal account for yourself.

If you want to understand that “how to make paypal account” just click here.

Also you must have a credit card. That’s up to you & your country’s law that how you can get your credit card. 
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